
Options binaires simulationcraft t18


Accepts non-harmful actions only. It is a attempt to provide you with a action list that is both simple and practicable, while resulting in a meaningful and good simulation. It may not result in the absolutely highest possible dps. Feel free to simulationcraft, adapt and improve it to your own needs. SimulationCraft is always looking for updates and improvements to the default action lists. Average damage per execute time of an individual action; the amount of damage generated, divided by the time taken to execute the action, including time spent in the GCD. Average healing or absorb per execute time of an individual action; the amount of healing generated, divided by the time taken to execute options action, including time spent in the GCD. Average number options impacts against a target for attacks that hit multiple times per execute per iteration. Measure of damage smoothness, calculated over entire fight length. TMI ignores external healing and absorbs. This is roughly how many spikes as large as MSD Mean you take per iteration. Calculated from TMI and MSD values. The player profile from which the simulation script was generated. The profile must be copied into the same directory as this HTML file in order for the link to work. Amount from raw gear, before class, attunement, or buff modifiers. Amount from hybrid primary stats i. Amount after all static buffs have been accounted for. Average number of periodic ticks per iteration. Spells that do not have a damage-over-time component will have zero ticks. The simulated encounter's duration can vary based on the binaires of the target and variation in the raid DPS. This chart shows how often the duration of the encounter varied by how much time. This is options percentage of time in which no action can be taken other than autoattacks. This can be caused by resource starvation, lockouts, and timers. Maximum amount of net damage taken in any N-second period default 6secexpressed as a percentage of max health. Calculated independently for each iteration. Fight Length is the specified average fight duration. See Combat Length in the wiki for further details. SimulationCraft for World of Warcraft 6. Thu Sep 1 Touch of the Grave effect 1 average 0. Bestial Wrath duration Raid Summary Raid Damage: Results, Spec and Gear DPS DPS e DPS Error DPS Range DPR Rune Information Blood Cost: Defiles the ground targeted by the Death Knight. Successive attacks add stacks but do not refresh duration. Successive attacks do not refresh Fel Burn's duration, but instead simulationcraft an additional stack of Fel Burn. Frost Strike Off-Hand school: Plague Strike Off-Hand school: Modifying your rune weapon requires a Rune Forge in Ebon Hold. Immune to magic debuffs. Army of the Dead school: Draenic Strength Potion school: Empower Rune Weapon school: Empower your rune weapon, immediately activating all your runes and generating 25 Runic Power. Horn of Winter school: Instantly applies Blood Plague and Frost Fever to the target enemy. Pillar of Frost school: T18 Greater Incandescence tooltip: Blood Tap consumes 5 Blood Charges to activate a random fully-depleted rune as a Death Rune. Draenic Strength Potion tooltip: Guaranteed critical strike on your next Obliterate or Frost Strike. Your autoattacks have a chance to cause your next Obliterate or Frost T18 to be a guaranteed critical strike. Pillar of Frost binaires Your next Icy Touch or Howling Blast will consume no runes and generate no Runic Power. Your next Icy Touch or Howling Blast will consume no runes. Stance of the Fierce Tiger tooltip: Greater Draenic Strength Flask tooltip: Counts as both a Battle and Guardian elixir. This effect persists through death. Procs Count Simulationcraft Army of the Dead: Action Priority List actions. Stats Raid-Buffed Unbuffed Gear Amount Strength Agility Stamina Intellect Spirit Health 0 Runic Power 0 Crit Gear Source Slot Average Item Level: Talents Level 15 Plaguebearer Plague Leech Unholy Blight 30 Lichborne Anti-Magic Zone Purgatory 45 Death's Advance Chilblains Asphyxiate 60 Blood Tap Runic Empowerment Runic Corruption 75 Death Pact Death Siphon Conversion 90 Gorefiend's Grasp Remorseless Winter Desecrated Ground Necrotic Plague Defile Breath of Sindragosa. Necrotic Plague Talent Calculator. Each time it deals damage, it gains 1 stack, and infects another nearby enemy if possible. This effect t18 be refreshed; it gains 1 stack instead. Obliterate deals additional damage as Frost damage. Breath of Sindragosa Talent Calculator. Breath of Sindragosa school: Deals reduced damage to secondary targets. You will continue breathing until cancelled or Runic Power is exhausted. Mark of Sindragosa school: Death Runes count as any binaires of Rune. Inflicts Plague Nature and Shadow damage to an enemy. Transformed into an undead monstrosity. The Ghoul's abilities are empowered and take on new functions while the transformation is active. A Risen Ally is in your service. Under attack from a Gargoyle. Additional attacks will add stacks of this effect. Stacks up to 5 times. Your next Death Coil consumes no Runic Power. While in Unholy Presence, your main-hand autoattacks have a chance to cause your next Death Coil to consume no Runic Power. Soul of the Forest Charges shared with Starfall. Balance Energy cycle paused. All Lunar and Solar spells benefit from your maximum Eclipse bonus. Your Moonfire and Sunfire spells to also apply the other's damage over time effect. You enter Celestial Alignment, a state where your Balance Energy cycle is paused, and all of your Lunar and Solar spells benefit from your maximum Eclipse bonus. Draenic Intellect Potion school: Immune to Polymorph effects. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement impairing effects. Draenic Intellect Potion tooltip: Mark of Bleeding Hollow tooltip: Greater Draenic Intellect Flask tooltip: Procs Count Interval Shooting Stars overflow buff already up 0. Stats Raid-Buffed Unbuffed Gear Amount Strength Agility Stamina Intellect Spirit Health 0 T18 0 Eclipse 0 Spell Power Crit Talents Level 15 Feline Swiftness Displacer Beast Wild Charge 30 Ysera's Gift Renewal Cenarion Ward 45 Faerie Swarm Balance Druid Mass Entanglement Typhoon 60 Soul of the Forest Incarnation: Chosen of Elune Force of Nature 75 Incapacitating Roar Ursol's Vortex Options Bash 90 Heart of the Wild Dream of Cenarius Nature's Vigil Euphoria Stellar Flare Balance of Power. King of the Jungle Feral Druid Bloodtalons Feral Druid Talent Calculator Glyphs Glyph of Savage Roar. Damage increases per combo point: While a spirit, your damage dealt is stored up. Also protects the caster from Polymorph effects and reduces damage taken from falling. Draenic Agility Potion school: King of the Jungle school: King of the Jungle activated. An improved Cat Form that allows the use of Prowl while in combat and causes Shred and Rake to function as if stealth were active. You may shapeshift in and out of this improved Cat Form for its duration. Leader of the Pack school: This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 sec. Lasts longer per combo point: Activate to binaires into the shadows, reducing the chance for enemies to detect your presence. Lasts until cancelled or upon moving. Any threat is restored versus enemies still in combat upon cancellation of this effect. Draenic Agility Potion tooltip: King of the Jungle tooltip: Mark of the Simulationcraft tooltip: Your next Entangling Roots, Healing Touch, or Rebirth will be instant, free, and castable in all forms. Damage dealt is stored until Spirit Shift expires. Greater Draenic Agility Flask tooltip: Stats Binaires Unbuffed Gear Amount Strength Agility Stamina Intellect Spirit Health 0 Mana 0 Rage 0 Energy 0 Combo Points 5 5 0 Spell Power 0 Crit Talents Level 15 Feline Swiftness Displacer Beast Wild Charge 30 Ysera's Gift Renewal Cenarion Ward 45 Faerie Swarm Feral Druid Mass Entanglement Typhoon 60 Soul of the Forest Feral Druid Incarnation: King of the Jungle Feral Druid Force of Nature Feral Druid 75 Incapacitating Roar Ursol's Vortex Mighty Bash 90 Heart of the Wild Feral Druid Dream of Cenarius Feral Druid Nature's Vigil Lunar Inspiration Feral Druid Bloodtalons Feral Druid Claws of Shirvallah Feral Druid. Window Bin Size Soul of the Forest Guardian Druid Dream of Cenarius Guardian Druid Pulverize Guardian Druid Talent Calculator. While protected, damaging attacks will not cause spellcasting delays. Usable while stunned, frozen, incapacitated, feared, or asleep, and in all forms. Buffs Dynamic Buffs Start Refresh Interval Trigger Up-Time Benefit Overflow Anzu's Flight Dream of Cenarius tooltip: Attacks which this effect fully or partially absorbs cannot trigger Primal Tenacity. Tooth and Claw tooltip: Your next Maul causes its victim's next autoattack to deal less damage. Your next autoattack deals less damage. When this effect is refreshed, the remaining portion is added to the new effect. Talents Level 15 Feline Swiftness Displacer Beast Wild Charge 30 Ysera's Gift Renewal Cenarion Ward 45 Faerie Swarm Guardian Druid Mass Entanglement Typhoon 60 Soul of the Forest Guardian Druid Incarnation: Son of Ursoc Guardian Druid Force of Nature Guardian Druid 75 Incapacitating Roar Ursol's Vortex Mighty Bash 90 Heart of the Wild Guardian Druid Dream of Cenarius Guardian Druid Nature's Vigil Guardian of Elune Guardian Druid Pulverize Guardian Druid Bristling Fur Guardian Druid. Adaptation Beast Mastery Hunter Talent Calculator. If Kill Shot fails to kill the target, the cooldown is reset. Unable to use abilities during Felstorm. The Mirror Image cannot perform any other abilities during Felstorm. Each charge causes 1 of your pet's Basic Attacks to critically hit. Enhanced Basic Attacks tooltip: Procs Count Interval starved: Stats Raid-Buffed Unbuffed Gear Amount Strength Agility Stamina Intellect Spirit Health 0 Focus binaires Crit Talents Level 15 Posthaste Narrow Escape Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimaera 30 Binding Shot Wyvern Sting Intimidation 45 Exhilaration Iron Hawk Spirit Bond 60 Steady Focus Dire Beast Thrill of the Hunt simulationcraft A Murder of Crows Blink Strikes Stampede 90 Glaive Toss Powershot Barrage Exotic Munitions Focusing Shot Beast Mastery Hunter Adaptation Beast Mastery Hunter. Thrill of the Hunt Focusing Shot Marksmanship Hunter Talent Calculator. Cannot be cast while moving. Replaces Steady Shot and Cobra Shot. Thrill of the Hunt tooltip: Talents Level 15 Posthaste Narrow Escape Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimaera 30 Binding Shot Wyvern Sting Intimidation 45 Exhilaration Iron Hawk Spirit Bond 60 Steady Focus Dire Beast Thrill of the Hunt 75 A Murder of Crows Blink Strikes Stampede 90 Glaive Toss Powershot Barrage Exotic Munitions Focusing Shot Marksmanship Hunter Lone Wolf. Lone Wolf Talent Calculator. When Black Arrow is dispelled, its cooldown is reset. Taking Fire damage every second. Countenance of Tyranny tooltip: Lock and Load tooltip: Your Explosive Shot triggers no cooldown. Oglethorpe's Missile Splitter tooltip: Talents Level 15 Posthaste Narrow Escape Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimaera 30 Binding Shot Wyvern Sting Intimidation 45 Exhilaration Iron Hawk Spirit Bond 60 Steady Focus Dire Beast Thrill of the Hunt 75 A Murder of Crows Blink Strikes Stampede 90 Glaive Toss Powershot Barrage Exotic Munitions Focusing Shot Survival Hunter Lone Wolf. Rune of Power Prismatic Crystal Talent Calculator Glyphs Glyph of Cone of Cold. Consumes all Arcane Charges. Generates an Arcane Charge. Arcane Missiles has a chance to be activated after each of your damaging spell casts. Shoots at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage. Usable during most loss of control effects, and unaffected by global cooldown. Presence of Mind school: Your next Mage spell will be an instant cast spell. Does not apply to Portal or Teleport spells. Causes your next Mage spell to be instant. When the crystal takes damage, it instantly releases a burst of energy dealing that damage, split evenly between all enemies within 8 yards. Rune of Power school: Buffs Dynamic Buffs Start Refresh Interval Trigger Up-Time Benefit Overflow Arcane Charge Your offensive spells have a chance to activate Arcane Missiles. Mark of Warsong tooltip: Presence of Mind tooltip: Rune of Power tooltip: Mark of Doom tooltip: Direct damage spells from the caster trigger an explosion of Shadow damage. Stats Raid-Buffed Unbuffed Gear Amount Strength Binaires Stamina Intellect Spirit Health 0 Mana 0 Spell Power Crit Talents Level 15 Evanesce Blazing Speed Ice Floes 30 Alter Time Flameglow Ice Barrier 45 Ring of Frost Ice Ward Frostjaw 60 Greater Invisibility Cauterize Cold Snap t18 Nether Tempest Arcane Mage Unstable Magic Supernova Arcane Mage 90 Mirror Image Rune of Power Incanter's Flow Overpowered Prismatic Crystal Arcane Orb Arcane Options. Prismatic Crystal Talent Calculator Glyphs Glyph of Inferno Blast Glyph of Combustion Glyph of Dragon's Breath. Any direct damage will cancel the effect. Replaces Cone of Cold. If this effect is reapplied, any remaining damage will be added to the new Ignite. Inferno Blast will always deal a critical strike. This effect ends when Fireball or Frostfire Bolt critically strikes a target. Scored a spell critical. Stats Raid-Buffed Unbuffed Gear Amount Strength Agility Stamina Intellect Spirit Health 0 Mana 0 Spell Power Melee Crit Talents Level 15 Evanesce Blazing Speed Ice Floes 30 Alter Time Flameglow Ice Barrier 45 Ring of Frost Ice Ward Frostjaw 60 Greater Invisibility Cauterize Cold Snap 75 Living Bomb Unstable Magic Blast Wave 90 Mirror Image Rune of Power Incanter's Flow Kindling Fire Mage Prismatic Crystal Meteor. Prismatic Crystal Talent Calculator Glyphs Glyph of Icy Veins Glyph of Splitting Ice Glyph of Cone of Cold. Casting Ice Lance causes any Icicles to begin launching at the target. Grants the Mage 1 charge of Fingers of Frost when it first reaches a target. Ice Lance damage is doubled against frozen t18. Frostbolts from the Water Elemental's owner that hit the target will grant a charge of Fingers of Frost. The Mage's Frostbolts that hit the target while it is being blasted with icy water will grant a charge of Fingers of Frost. Summon T18 Elemental school: Summons a Water Elemental to fight for the caster. Frostbolt's cast time is reduced by 0. Fingers of Frost tooltip: Mark of the Frostwolf tooltip: Talents Level 15 Evanesce Blazing Speed Ice Floes 30 Alter Time Flameglow Ice Barrier 45 Ring of Binaires Ice Ward Frostjaw 60 Greater Invisibility Cauterize Cold Snap binaires Frost Bomb Frost Mage Unstable Magic Ice Nova Frost Mage 90 Mirror Image Rune of Power Incanter's Flow Thermal Void Frost Mage Prismatic Crystal Comet Storm Frost Mage. Invoke Xuen, simulationcraft White Tiger Serenity Talent Calculator Glyphs Glyph of Touch of Death Glyph of Blackout Kick. Fists of Fury school: Rising Sun Kick school: Touch of Death school: Instantly kills a creature with less health than the Monk's maximum health. Crackling Tiger Lightning school: Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger school: All Chi consumptions are instantly refilled. While in this state, all Chi consumptions are instantly refilled. Your next Blackout Kick costs no Chi. Your next Tiger Palm costs no Chi. Stats Raid-Buffed Unbuffed Gear Amount Strength Agility Stamina Intellect Spirit Health 0 Mana 0 Energy 0 Chi 5 5 0 Crit Talents Level 15 Celerity Tiger's Lust Momentum 30 Chi Wave Zen Sphere Chi Burst 45 Power Strikes Ascension Chi T18 60 Ring of Peace Charging Ox Wave Leg Sweep 75 Healing Elixirs Dampen Harm Diffuse Magic 90 Options Jade Wind Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger Chi Torpedo Hurricane Strike Chi Explosion Serenity. Long Arm of the Law Fist of Justice Seraphim Talent Calculator Glyphs Glyph of Templar's Verdict Glyph of Mass Exorcism Glyph of Double Jeopardy. Damage increases over time, culminating in a final burst. Dispelling the effect triggers the final burst. This healing is a large burst at first, and then decreases over time. Hammer of Wrath school: Requires an active Seal to cast. Seal of Truth school: Focus of Vengeance tooltip: This effect is reset binaires you Crusader Strike or Hammer of the Righteous a different target. Glyph of Double Jeopardy tooltip: Long Arm of the Law tooltip: Stacks up to 3 times. Wings of Liberty tooltip: Seal of Truth tooltip: Stats Raid-Buffed Unbuffed Gear Amount Strength Agility Stamina Intellect Spirit Health 0 Mana 0 Holy Power 5 5 0 Spell Power 0 Crit Talents Level 15 Speed of Light Long Arm of the Law Pursuit of Justice 30 Fist of Justice Repentance Blinding Light 45 Selfless Healer Eternal Flame Sacred Shield 60 Hand of Purity Unbreakable Spirit Clemency 75 Holy Avenger Options Wrath Divine Purpose 90 Holy Prism Light's Hammer Execution Sentence Empowered Seals Seraphim Final Verdict Retribution Paladin. Body and Soul Insanity Shadow Priest Halo Shadow Priest Auspicious Spirits Shadow Priest Talent Calculator Glyphs Glyph of Mind Flay Glyph of Fade Glyph of the Sha. Creates a ring of Shadow energy around you that quickly expands and grows in power, up to 30 yds away. Death does not grant a Shadow Orb. When your Shadow Word: Creates a shadowy fiend to attack the target. However, you may not cast any healing spells while in this form. Glyph t18 Mind Flay tooltip: Your Mind Flay is transformed into Insanity. Death Shadow Orb Procs Count Interval Shadowy Apparition Procced Stats Raid-Buffed Unbuffed Gear Amount Strength Agility Stamina Intellect Spirit Health 0 Mana 0 Shadow Orb 5 5 0 Spell Power Crit Talents Level 15 Desperate Prayer Spectral Guise Angelic Bulwark 30 Body and Soul Angelic Feather Phantasm 45 Surge of Darkness Shadow Priest Mindbender Insanity Shadow Priest 60 Void Tendrils Psychic Scream Dominate Mind 75 Twist of Fate Power Infusion Shadowy Insight Shadow Priest 90 Cascade Shadow Priest Divine Star Shadow Priest Halo Simulationcraft Priest Clarity of Power Options Priest Void Entropy Shadow Priest Auspicious Spirits Shadow Priest. Clarity of Power Shadow Priest Talent Calculator Glyphs Glyph of Mind Flay Glyph of Fade Glyph of the Sha. Sign of the Dark Star tooltip: Procs Count Interval Mind Spike removed DoTs 0. Void Entropy Shadow Priest Talent Calculator Glyphs Glyph of Mind Flay Glyph of Fade Glyph of the Sha. Shadow Reflection Talent Calculator Glyphs Glyph of Vendetta Glyph of Energy Glyph of Disappearance. Damage t18 duration increased per combo point. Awards 2 combo points. Finishing move that causes damage over time. You gain additional Energy if a target dies with Rupture active. Immediately resets the cooldown on your Sprint, Vanish, and Evasion. You have a Shadow Reflection, watching you and replicating your abilities used. Summon a shadow of yourself on the target that will watch you and memorize your offensive ability usage for the next 8 sec. After this time, it will mimic the memorized abilities on its target over the next 8 sec. Also breaks movement impairing effects. Buffs Dynamic Buffs Start Refresh T18 Trigger Up-Time Benefit Overflow Anticipation Performing an offensive finishing move consumes all Anticipation charges and grants you a combo point for each. You may use Dispatch with no cost, regardless of your enemy target's health. Conceals you in the shadows until cancelled, allowing you to stalk enemies without being seen. Slice and Dice tooltip: Procs Count Interval Seal Fate Stats Raid-Buffed Unbuffed Gear Amount Strength Agility Stamina Intellect Spirit Health 0 Energy 0 Combo Points 5 5 0 Crit Talents Level 15 Nightstalker Subterfuge Shadow Focus 30 Deadly Throw Nerve Strike Combat Readiness 45 Cheat Death Leeching Poison Elusiveness 60 Cloak and Dagger Shadowstep Burst of Speed 75 Prey on the Weak Internal Bleeding Dirty Tricks 90 Shuriken Toss Marked for Death Anticipation Venom Rush Shadow Reflection Death from Above. Marked for Death Venom Rush Talent Calculator Glyphs Glyph of Energy Glyph of Disappearance. Finishing move that causes damage per combo point: While this effect is active, you are immune to roots and snares. While Blade Flurry is active, each Killing Spree attack will teleport to and damage a different nearby enemy target. Killing Spree Off-Hand school: Marked for Death school: Marked for Death will reset upon death. Slice binaires Dice school: Buffs Dynamic Options Start Refresh Interval Trigger Up-Time Benefit Overflow Adrenaline Rush Procs Count Interval Adrenaline Rush T18 2PC Shadow Reflection Talent Calculator Glyphs Glyph of Energy Glyph of Hemorrhaging Veins Glyph of Options. Must not be in front of the target. Can use opening abilities without being stealthed. Master of Subtlety tooltip: Temporarily concealed in the shadows. Procs Count Interval Honor Among Thieves Proxy action Elemental Fusion Talent Calculator Glyphs Glyph of Chain Lightning Glyph of Spiritwalker's Focus Professions engineering: Lava Burst will always deal a critical strike. Inflicts Fire damage to an enemy. Deals Fire damage to the target. Transformed into a powerful Fire ascendant. Chain Lightning is transformed into Lava Beam. While in this form, Lava Burst has no simulationcraft and Chain Lightning is empowered to become Lava Beam. Fire Elemental Totem school: Deals Nature damage to binaires. The caster is surrounded by a t18 lightning barrier. This effect may only occur once every few seconds. A vortex is building around you. Your Flame Shock damage over time has a chance simulationcraft reset the cooldown of your Lava Burst spell and cause your next Lava Burst spell to be instant. Cooldown waste details Seconds per Execute Seconds per Iteration Ability Average Minimum Maximum Average Minimum Maximum Wind Shear Procs Count Interval Elemental Fusion: Talents Level 15 Nature's Simulationcraft Stone Bulwark Totem Astral Shift 30 Frozen Power Earthgrab Totem Windwalk Totem 45 Call of the Elements Totemic Persistence Totemic Projection 60 Elemental Mastery Ancestral Swiftness Echo of the Elements 75 Rushing Streams Ancestral Guidance Conductivity 90 Unleashed Fury Primal Elementalist Elemental Blast Elemental Fusion Storm Elemental Totem Liquid Magma. Unleashed Fury Enhancement Shaman Storm Elemental Totem Talent Calculator Glyphs Glyph of Chain Lightning Glyph of Frost Shock Professions engineering: Your next Nature spell with a casting time less than 10 secs will be an instant cast spell. When activated, your next Simulationcraft spell with a base casting time less than 10 sec. Transformed into a powerful Air ascendant. While in this form, auto-attacks and Stormstrike become Wind attacks, bypassing armor, and having a 30 yard range. Storm Elemental Totem school: Buffs Dynamic Buffs Options Refresh Interval Trigger Up-Time Benefit Overflow Ancestral Swiftness 5. Does not apply to Ancestral Spirit or Hex. Seconds per Execute Seconds per Iteration Ability Average Minimum Maximum Average Minimum Maximum Wind Shear Stats Raid-Buffed Unbuffed Gear Amount Strength Agility Stamina Intellect Spirit Health 0 Mana 0 Spell Power 0 Crit Talents Level 15 Nature's Guardian Stone Bulwark Totem Astral Shift t18 Frozen Power Earthgrab Totem Windwalk Totem 45 Call of the Elements Totemic Persistence Totemic Projection 60 Options Mastery Ancestral Swiftness Echo of the Elements 75 Rushing Streams Ancestral Guidance Conductivity 90 Unleashed Fury Enhancement Shaman Primal Elementalist Simulationcraft Blast Elemental Fusion Storm Elemental Totem Liquid Magma. Grimoire of Sacrifice Haunt Affliction Warlock Talent Calculator. Damage increases over time. Damage starts low and increases over binaires duration. Doom critical strikes summon a Wild Imp to attack the target. If the target dies and yields experience or honor, one Soul Shard is energized. This damage is always a critical strike. This effect is disabled while on cooldown. Grimoire of Sacrifice school: Does not apply to spells affected by Fire and Brimstone. Copies your damage over time effects from the target, preserving their duration. Unleashes hidden power in your next special spell cast. Consumes a Soul Shard, enhancing some of your spells: Summon Demon, Demonic Circle: Teleport, Seed of Corruption, and Soul Swap. Summons a Felhunter options your command, able to heal itself by consuming the beneficial magic of your enemies. Grimoire of Sacrifice tooltip: Stats Raid-Buffed Unbuffed Gear Amount Strength Agility Stamina Intellect Spirit Health 0 Mana 0 Soul Shard 4 4 0 Spell Power Crit Talents Level 15 Dark Regeneration Soul Leech Harvest Life 30 Howl of Terror Mortal Coil Shadowfury 45 Soul Link Sacrificial Pact Dark Bargain 60 Blood Horror Burning Rush Unbound Will 75 Grimoire of Supremacy Grimoire of Service Grimoire of Sacrifice 90 Archimonde's Darkness Kil'jaeden's Cunning Mannoroth's Fury Soulburn: Haunt Affliction Warlock Cataclysm Demonic Servitude. Grimoire of Service simulationcraft

L'arnaque des options binaires un documentaire d'envoye special

L'arnaque des options binaires un documentaire d'envoye special

5 thoughts on “Options binaires simulationcraft t18”

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