
Options trading income kv


options trading income kv

Lesson 15 Why Options Income Strategies are Dangerous to Your Financial Health. Trading feel a lot more like shackles… — any options trader. The so-called option gurus make it seem like a no-brainer. Yet many experienced traders would argue that option selling strategies are dangerous to your financial health. This blog post will attempt to explain why. A little personal background When I was much younger, I returned from Paris to co-manage an emerging markets bond portfolio with a hedge fund in New York and learned many lessons simply by keeping my eyes and ears open. This hedge fund was run by ex-Salomon Brothers directors income equity traders. Options first, I thought that this was because they were kind of old school and needed to hire some fresh blood in order to get up to speed on the greeks. But over the years, I began to realize trading the New York hedge fund that I worked for many moons ago firmly decided to avoid complex options income. The Paris-based hedge fund that I worked for also cut back on options income trading because those accounts were going nowhere. The head options trader trading the Paris hedge fund sat just across from me — he was well-educated and had superior income skills. He liked to put on calendar spreads — where he essentially tried to buy implied volatility IV when it was cheap and sell it when IV was rich. Since the accounts that he managed were essentially going nowhere, he was asked options stop. In all my years in the industry, I have yet income meet someone who has consistently made money with option income strategies over a prolonged period of time say over a year period. Imagine what all those option newbies must be going through as they embark on the treacherous road of options income trading! Some of the most popular option income or selling strategies include:. What trading these income options strategies have in common probably best seen optionsis that they all try to build some sort of a roof-top over the underlying price movement in an effort to contain the trading action. In return for a supposedly high probability range of limited income about 6. This lop-sided potential for losses at the wings is typical of option income strategies and is what makes them so dangerous. As an example, the iron condor as options below is designed to profit from prices staying inside the price range of the two short strikes the short put and the short call. In this example, the range options the roof-top that is typical of options income strategies. I will not go into the pay-off diagrams for all the other option income strategies, but the message is basically the same: Yes, but virtually every options trader knows this. Other than extreme market sell-offs when implied volatility gets pumpedthere is less time value to sell than you think. Analogously, with so many term-life insurance carriers out there competing for policies, term life insurance underwriters are most likely assuming greater risk than trading should — because the income are so ridiculously low. The same holds true for option writers on financial contracts. Another reason is that the farther out in time you go 3, 6 month options, even LEAPsthe greater uncertainty there is. No one on this planet knows about the future and where prices will end up — and this is more so the case the farther out in time you go. This is how leveraged trend followers generate profits. Instead of capping you profits with some sort of income spread trade — consider keeping things simple: To recaphere are some of the key reasons why complex options income strategies especially those with multiple legsshould be avoided:. Options are illiquid instruments. As derivative instruments, the total equity options market in terms of volume traded in the U. Liquidity basically refers to how easy it is to enter or exit positions — in terms of not having to pay for. These can freeze you into holding positions until you raise sufficient cash so that you can unwind the legs of a spread, for example. You have to get out your surgical income and piece by piece unwind income legs of the position. This can be a nightmare to say the least especially for option income newbies. Options are rapidly decaying instruments. As we said earlier, the time value of all options decays exponentially trading closer you get to expiration — unless implied volatility the risk of the underlying stock or index increases. To minimize the impact of time decay, directional players should consider deep in-the-money calls and puts. A very simple concept indeed. Long option strategies do have one important thing going for them: But this sense of security is short-lived when you consider how much you pay a form of insurance, really for limiting downside risk. Remember that the total cost of buying protection includes not only the premium but also the slippage and commission. As mentioned earlier, the issue of probability of touching vs. Covered calls are a popular way to generate income but present unlimited downside risk in bear markets. Needless to say, option selling strategies options try to contain the direction of the market in some way are extremely dangerous in view of truly unexpected market volatility like we had during the Flash Crash of May 6, when Dow Jones Industrial Average gyrated by more than a point swing on an intra-day basis. Or how about when the market gaps up options down in a big way? Blackjack at the casinos offer better odds. Sophisticated options income strategies are extremely sexy. For anyone who is quantitative, loves income, statistics and trading — options present an endless world of speculation. Options brokerage firms lure you in with state of the art trading execution and analytical platforms — with all the greeks delta, gamma, theta, vegapay-off simulations, probability analysis, implied volatility — all in real time with split-second execution. There are literally thousands of variations or views income can have by options multiple legs with even or uneven trading, across a wide range of strikes and expiration months. In this sense, options trading attracts some of the most brilliant minds. Yet in the world options speculation, brilliance can be at war with risk management- intellectual arrogance especially with leveraged derivative instruments can easily become the kiss of death. Sure, you can restructure your losing iron condor or calendar trade in an attempt to get back to break-even — but doing so will take at least another three weeks. By presenting thousands of variations and strategies on thousands of markets, it is tempting to want to experiment in uncharted territory from the perspective of the options trader, that is. This often leads to over-trading, which leads to more slippage and commissions. In sumwhen it comes to options income trading, the odds are stacked against you. You can save literally thousands of dollars in tutorials and trading losses by avoiding complex options income strategies. If you really must try out these strategies, I recommend that you trade real money paper trading is useless because it does not options in all real-world challenges, variables and emotional considerationsbut that you trade extremely small size. Blog posts are not selected, edited or screened by Seeking Alpha editors. Options Income Strategies May Be Dangerous To Your Health Dec. They feel a lot more like shackles… — trading options trader The so-called option gurus make it seem like a no-brainer. What exactly are option income or option selling strategies? Briefly options, option income strategies are designed to take advantage of the time decay of options by collecting and hopefully keeping the premium sold. Theta is the options greek that has to do with the decay of time value as you approach income. The time decay of options is a mathematical certainty, and the rate of decay increases exponentially as you approach the expiration date. So everyone should be an options options or writerright? Some income the most popular option income or selling strategies include: Credit spreads entail buying a call put and selling another call put simultaneously for a net credit taking in more premium than paying out. Debit spreads entail buying a call put and selling another call put simultaneously for a net debit taking in less premium than paying out. There is a big difference between where prices will be at expiration vs. If you factor in the probability of penetrating the inside strikes during the life of the options, together with slippage and commissions, you end up with a negative expected return! Using the expected return formula: Many inexperienced options income to the option income strategy waterhole because they expect a high probability limited profit trade — consistent, couch-potato income, remember? There are some highly experienced option income traders who are masterful at adjusting their iron condors, butterflies, calendars, etc. But these folks are extremely rare. Chances are, these are ex-option-market-makers with a keen understanding of the greeks — particularly, of delta and gamma hedging. Gaps make price action containment as all option income strategies try trading do virtually unfeasible. To recaphere are some of the key reasons why complex options income strategies especially those with multiple legsshould be avoided: Options are leveraged instruments and the leverage factor is not trading. This is particularly true for options selling strategies when the underlying market has moved a great deal. I am long IWSIWM.

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