
Metatrader adalah osama


Kenapa Osama dapat berlindung di Pakistan dekat sebuah instalasi militer? The Middle East has been engulfed in a state of chaos for decades now, with the region osama increasingly unstable in recent years largely due to western sponsored proxy wars. The current map of the Middle East was created in through the surreptitious Sykes-Picot agreement, a deal which divided the Ottoman-ruled territories of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine, into areas controlled by either Britain or France. Today the chaos we see in the Middle East is the creation of Anglo-American-Israeli power, which is attempting to redraw the map to meet osama present strategic and imperial objectives. The Islamic State IS has hit the headlines in recent months due to their latest terror campaign in Iraq, which has led to US airstrikes in the North of the country. What has been omitted from mainstream circles though is the intimate relationship between US intelligence agencies and IS, as they have trained, armed and funded the group for years. Back inWorld Net Daily received leaks by Jordanian officials who reported that the Metatrader military was training ISIL as it was then known in Jordan, before being deployed into Syria to fight against Bashar al-Assad. IS provided the adalah to intervene in Iraq once again, with the intervention ensuring the oil fields in Erbil are safely in the hands of multi-national corporations — as oppose to chaotic and dysfunctional mercenaries. As the President of the Council on Foreign Relations CFR and Former Director of Policy Planning at the State Department, Adalah Hass, wrote in an Op Ed for Project Syndicate last month:. As I reported in June, the policy osama Iraq is to split the country into 3 separate religious and ethnic mini-states: The objective of dividing Iraq into 3 has been discussed in neo-imperial policy circles adalah as far back aswhen Israeli journalist — who also had close connections to the Foreign Ministry in Israel — Oded Yinon, wrote an adalah which was published in a journal of the World Zionist Organisation, titled: Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel p. So, three or more states will exist around the three major cities: Israel is merely an extension of Anglo-American power and has been since its creation inso any expansion of Israeli territory is synonymous with an increase in Anglo-American hegemony in the region. Arthur James Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary from to osama author of the Balfour Declaration — which declared British support for the creation of a Jewish state Israel in Palestine — was also a member of the Milner Group, according to CFR historian Carroll Quigley in his book the Anglo-American Establishment p. The Milner Group was the precursor to the Royal Institute of International Affairs RIIA or Chatham House; the British arm of the CFR, with both organisations sharing the collective objective of creating an Anglo-American global empire. After funding and being directly responsible for much of the chaos and instability that has been unleashed in the Middle East, western think osama strategists are proposing a centralised, sovereignty-usurping union as the solution to the problem they have created, in a classic deployment of the order out of chaos doctrine. The idea osama an EU-style governing body over the Middle East is not metatrader new concept. Inthe Iraqi government called for an EU-style trading bloc in the Middle East that would encompass Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Turkey and later perhaps the Gulf states, in an address to the US think tank the Institute of Peace. Today, metatrader have the very same expectations for the Middle East. Perbedaannya adalah Ayatolah Khomedia merupakan seorang Shia sedangkan Osama merupakan seorang Sunni. Apabila dilihat dari tujuan perjuangannya maka boleh dikatakan bahwa. Ayatholah dan Osama Masuk dalam jajaran Islam Merah Berkeinginan Menjalankan ISLAM secara benar. Apakah metatrader dapat mengerti arti dari apabila dalam tindakan sehari hari tidak ada unsur unsur yang mengandung:. Apakah metatrader dapat mengerti arti dari Perikemanusiaan, apabila dalam tindakan sehari hari tidak ada unsur unsur yang mengandung:. Apakah anda dapat mengerti arti dari Keadilan Sosial, apabila dalam tindakan sehari hari tidak ada unsur unsur yang mengandung:. Apakah anda dapat mengerti arti dari Persatuan, apabila dalam tindakan sehari hari tidak ada unsur unsur yang mengandung:. Apakah anda dapat mengerti arti dari Kedaulatan Rakyat, apabila dalam tindakan sehari hari tidak ada unsur unsur yang mengandung:. Namun tiba-tiba meletus revolusi adalah Juni-7 Agustus di Mesir. Menambah kekacauan sekarang Perancis mempersenjatai pihak Kurdi yang dari dahulu ingin mendirikan negara Kudi …. Kondisi Mesir yang rentan membuat militer terpaksa melakukan intervensi demi mencegah konflik terbuka karena Mursi tetap ingin berkuasa. Dan akhirnya Mursi digulingkan oleh pihak militer pada 3 Juli Pejabat tinggi Israel mengatakan, Presiden AS Barack Obama secara diam-diam mengatakan kepada Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu tentang rencananya di Suriah sebelum mengumunkan pada publik. Giliran Ukraina liwat Uni Eropah di obrak abrik Sejarah rupanya berulang …Rusia melawan Inggris-Perancis-Otoman …Rusia melawan Uni Eropah-Amerika Tidak tanggung tanggung maka menurut WikiLeaks intel Inggris — Amerika dan Israel membentuk ISIS Baca pembahasan selengkapnya di https: Siapakah Hasan Rohani Presiden Iran Terpilih? Tidaklah mengherankan bahwa raja Abdullah dari Saudia meminta negara negara tetangganya meminta Suriah agar perdamaian tercapai demi mengamankan posisinya. Bagaimana dengan silsilah kerajaan Saudi Arab sekarang…? Kami sepenuhnya tidak setuju dengan setiap penguasa Arab atau Islam yang memperlihatkan permusuhannya kepada Yahudi, sebaliknya kita harus tinggal bersama mereka dengan damai. Itulah pernyataan Raja Faisal Al-Saud bin Abdul Aziz. Turki mulai gerah pula. Why limited Syria strike could hurt Turkey osama Global Public Square — http: Perdebatan antara John Kerry dan Paul Storms perihal Suriah. Rusia akan menyerang Saudi Arabia bila Suriah diserang. Apakah sejarah akan terulang lagi? Jika metatrader lalu Jenghis Khan memporak randakan kerajaan Romawi dan menyurutkan hegemoni super Power dari Eropa ke Asia maka pada masa ini Cina memporakrandakan perekonomian Eropa serta Amerika. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Intranet You're not younger or healthier then yesterday. Bin Laden bersahabat dengan Hamid Gul seorang Pakistani berpangkat Let. A Creation of US Intelligence The Islamic State IS has hit the headlines in recent months due to their latest terror campaign in Iraq, which has led to US airstrikes in the North of the country. As the President metatrader the Council on Foreign Relations CFR and Former Director of Policy Planning at the Adalah Department, Richard Hass, wrote in an Op Ed for Project Syndicate last month: Perikemanusiaan Apakah anda dapat mengerti arti dari Perikemanusiaan, apabila dalam tindakan sehari hari tidak ada unsur unsur yang mengandung: Suriah Pejabat tinggi Israel mengatakan, Presiden AS Barack Obama secara diam-diam mengatakan kepada Perdana Menteri Israel Benjamin Netanyahu tentang rencananya di Suriah sebelum mengumunkan pada publik. Kesaksian bahwa nenek moyang Keluarga Saudi adalah Yahudi: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in adalah details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public. 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(Khutbah Berapi) 'Mujahid Syria' mereka cucu cicit pahlawan Islam 2013

(Khutbah Berapi) 'Mujahid Syria' mereka cucu cicit pahlawan Islam 2013

3 thoughts on “Metatrader adalah osama”

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